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Midi co-founder Stephanie McClellan has been a practicing ob/gyn for more than 40 years. Whether delivering babies, performing surgery, or supporting women through menopause transition, she always centers the patient, appreciating her full human experience. Our shared goal at Midi: To scale access to what we call “Stephanie care,” informed by unparalleled expertise and deep compassion.

Heading off the hormonal cliff

“Over the last fifteen years, my practice has focused on women beyond their reproductive years. More and more women in this life stage began to come to me, all saying similar things: I can’t sleep, sex is painful, I have anxiety, brain fog—I’m worried I have early Alzheimer’s! Estrogen depletion was the root cause for the vast majority of them. As a menopause specialist, I knew that unlike men, whose hormones decline very gradually, like rolling down a hill, women hit an estrogen cliff. They either fall abruptly or repel gently, with the help of a trained clinician. But there was disagreement, even among colleagues I admired, around how to help these women.”

A clear roadmap for women 40+

“I recognized that there was a need to gather consensus and create a place where women could come to get excellent care, not just to treat their menopause symptoms, but to ensure their longterm health. The medical establishment knows how to help young women with their fertility goals and sexual health. But the misinformation, confusion, and conflict around women’s care, post reproduction, leaves patients vulnerable. We have undervalued what estrogen does on a systemic level, supporting your brain, bones, heart, metabolism, immunity.  We can mitigate your vulnerability, extend your healthy years, and minimize the risk of illness or frailty, but that requires a clear roadmap, personalized for every woman.”

How we move the needle on women’s midlife health 

“I realized that by combining good medical thinking with tech, we could expand access to excellent care unconstrained by geography, and move the needle on women’s midlife health.  Technology could supercharge entire care teams, not just doctors, so that every clinician is practicing at the top of their skill set. The result, for the patient, could be a collaborative care experience, where she feels heard, seen, and supported, at every touchpoint. That’s what we’re doing with Midi, creating a tech-based health company, with soul.”

Stephanie’s regimen

  • Estrogel, for mood, brain function, plus heart and bone protection
  • Regular exercise, including weights at the gym
  • Limited caffeine, from healthy sources like coffee and green tea ("I quit Diet Coke 10 years ago, and haven't looked back")
  • Prayerful meditation at the start and end of every day, for body, mind, and spirit

How Midi Can Help You


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