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Visits covered by most PPO insurance plans with more on the way.

The sleep-hormone connection

A full 71% of Midi patients list poor sleep among their symptoms—so of course you’re tired! Shifting hormones around perimenopause and menopause are behind many of the factors keeping you up. 
Common sleep disruptors:

Powerful, personalized treatment

Midi’s clinicians understand your sleep issues and can prescribe a customized Care Plan to give you back the deep, restful sleep you’ve been missing.
book a virtual visit

Your treatment may include:

Hormones: HRT works well for treating sleep disturbance and insomnia. For women who can’t or prefer not to take HRT, we prescribe effective non-hormonal meds.
Supplements + Botanicals: From melatonin to lavender to cortisol managers, Midi has multiple supplement solutions for better Zzzz’s.
Lifestyle: Midi clinicians will help you tweak your daily habits and bedroom environment, the simplest way to improve your sleep.


Five star symbols

“My clinician gave me the time I needed and had super actionable suggestions. I’m sleeping better than I have in 20 years!”

- L.B., 49, Midi patient
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"The medication I got from Midi was amazing! I slept well, had no side effects—I'm thrilled."

T.G., 65, Midi patient
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“For seven years, I suffered from insomnia. I could fall asleep, but I couldn’t stay asleep, so I was exhausted the entire next day. My Midi clinician prescribed bioidentical HRT and immediately my sleep problems were solved. Now I exercise daily and have energy throughout my work day.”

T.M., 50, Midi patient
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Meet Midi’s Clinical Leaders

Our protocols are defined by Midi’s medical advisors, doctors with decades of experience in women’s midlife health. 

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Designed by top-tier specialists

Our protocols are crafted by doctors with decades of experience in women’s midlife health, and delivered by trained and certified clinicians.

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Deeply personalized

We listen to your experience and work closely with you to build a Care Plan that fits your medical history, genetics, and approach to health.

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Flexible and proactive

Your body is always changing. We adjust your plan in response, fine-tuning your treatment to provide meaningful, lasting relief.

Dr Mindy Goldman Headshot


Clinical Professor, Department of Ob/Gyn and Reproductive Sciences at UCSF and Midi Chief Clinical Officer

cancer & survivorship

DR. Pauline Maki headshot
Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology and OB/GYN at University of Illinois Chicago

Brain health, mental health, depression, & hormonal health

DR. Sheila Bouldin headshot
DR. sheila bouldin
professor of OB/GYN and director of the Women’s Health Division at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

hormone health, obesity & public health

TORI HUDSON, N.d. headshot
professor and former medical director at national university of natural medicine

botanical medicine, & naturopathic remedies

Dr. Lauren Greenberg headshot
Dr. Lauren Greenberg
board-certified plastic surgeon

Menopausal hair & skin changes, breast cancer reconstruction

Dr. Lauren Greenberg headshot
Dr. Don Dizon
Director of Medical Oncology at Rhode Island Hospital

Survivorship & sexual health

Dr. Lauren Greenberg headshot
Dr. Robert Aptekar
President, Integrative Women’s Care

Bone health, osteoporosis prevention & treatment

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How it works

In midlife, your body changes. Your care should, too

Blue Midi logo
What are you experiencing?

Select all of your symptoms.

Trouble sleeping
Period problems
Brain fog
Hot flashes
Weight changes

Book your virtual visit

Take a few minutes to set up your account, enter insurance, tell us about your symptoms, and choose a time to meet your clinician.

A woman on a computer with Dr. Cheri
Blue Midi logo
Cheri Barzottini, NP

Meet your Midi clinician

Discuss your symptoms and health history in depth with a nurse practitioner trained in perimenopause and menopause.

Hormone levels: FSH, E2, AMH, testosterone free and total
Vitamin & mineral tests: Ferritin, vitamin D, vitamin B12

Get the tests you need

If bloodwork or imaging can help us personalize your treatment, we’ll send you to a convenient local facility that accepts your insurance

headshot of Dr. Mindy
Dr. Mindy goldman
Follow-up visit

Discuss how your plan is going


Integrate Midi into your health routine

Get all the virtual follow-ups you need to dial your treatment and take preventative steps. We’ll partner with your other doctors, and refer you for in-person treatment when needed.

Designed to be better for midlife, in every way

What we treat
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All clinicians trained in perimenopause & menopause care

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Protocols designed by experts in menopause

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Care coordinator assigned to every patient

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Integrative approach to medicine

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No waitlists for treatment

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24/7 access to guidance & support

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Flexible follow-ups & adjustments, until you feel better

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Transparent pricing

Our care coordinators help you get maximum coverage from your insurance. If you're uninsured or Midi care is out of network under your plan, we also offer cash payment for services.

Service offering

With Insurance


Initial visit

The Midi Essential Visit gives you ample time for an in-depth conversation.

Only pay standard co-pay and deductible


Continued care visits

Follow up visits fine-tune your Care Plan and safeguard your future health.

Only pay standard co-pay and deductible

$120 - $250

depending on visit length and care complexity

Care coordination

Have questions about insurance, scheduling, anything? We’re here for you. Call or email us and we’ll jump in to help.



Initial visit

The Midi Essential Visit allows time for an in-depth conversation with a trained clinician.


Standard co-pay and deductible



Continued care visits

Ongoing visits let us fine-tune your care, address new symptoms, and safeguard your future health.


Standard co-pay and deductible


$120 - $250

depending on visit length and care complexity

Frequently asked questions

Why does sleep suffer during menopause?

Before menopause, estrogen and progesterone provide sleep-boosting benefits. Estrogen plays a role in the sleep-wake cycle and helps keep body temperature low at night while progesterone, a “relaxing” hormone, has a mild sedative effect. When these hormone levels drop during menopause, women may experience trouble sleeping. In fact, 71% of Midi patients have sleep complaints.

Additional factors may affect sleep during menopause. These include: other menopause symptoms you’re experiencing (hot flashes, night sweats, joint pain, body aches, and frequent nighttime urination); sleep disorders (insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and sleep apnea); mood disorders (such as anxiety and depression); normal midlife stressors; and certain medications (like some blood pressure meds, cold and allergy decongestants, pain medications, mood and anxiety meds).

If you’re experiencing sleep disruptions in midlife, a Midi clinician can prescribe a treatment plan to help you get the sleep you need and deserve.

Which sleep disorders are common during menopause?

Common sleep disorders during menopause include:
Insomnia: People with insomnia have difficulty falling asleep at least 3 nights a week for 3+ months. Those with sleep maintenance insomnia have difficulty going back to sleep after awakening. 
Restless leg syndrome: You may feel the urge to move your legs and experience an uncomfortable sensation in legs (such as creeping, tingling, burning, itching).
Sleep apnea: Sleep apnea is characterized by breathing interruptions while sleeping (snoring, snorting, and gasping). These interrupt sleep, which causes daytime fatigue. The risk of sleep apnea increases during menopause, and hormones may play a role. 

How does Midi treat insomnia and sleep trouble? 
Your Midi clinician will take your symptoms and health history into account when treating insomnia and sleep trouble. Your Care Plan may include: 
- Evidence-based supplements (including melatonin, lavender, and cortisol managers)
- Hormonal medications (HRT)Hon-hormonal medications (like low doses of gabapentin)
- Lifestyle coaching, and wellness therapies (such as cognitive behavioral therapies).

Traditional sleeping pills may have side effects and can be habit-forming, which is why Midi uses them as a last resort.

What are the benefits of getting good-quality sleep?

Getting enough sleep is important at any age, but especially during midlife (the recommended amount is seven to nine hours of sleep a night). Poor sleep is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, and decreased cognitive function. Plus, a lack of sleep can worsen other menopause symptoms—hot flashes, brain fog, moodiness and weight gain, for starters.