Team Bio

Noreen Post, WHNP, Midi Clinician

Connecting across life stages: “I’ve passionately cared for women and families for over 38 years. My career in labor and delivery, nursery, and postpartum gynecology has mirrored my own life stages, allowing me to feel deeply connected with my patients. Witnessing diverse aspects of women’s lives, I became attuned to their challenges in different phases. I’ve been lucky enough to educate and empower patients who are traditionally underserved due to economic and racial disparities in health care, allowing them to make informed choices aligned with their needs and values.”

Your midlife guide: “Navigating menopause can be daunting, and full of misunderstanding and misinformation. As I began my own menopause journey, I was struck by the lack of support. I’m devoting the remainder of my career to menopause care, immersing myself in scientific literature, hearing from midlife patients, and pursuing my Menopause Society certification. At Midi, I am excited to expand midlife support, giving more patients access to care options.”

The menopause bond: “When it comes to menopause, it really requires a spirit of sisterhood. I want every patient to feel free and comfortable to ask all their questions and to be an active part of their own care.”

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