Julie Frenette, FNP, CNM, Midi Clinician
Midi Clinician

Julie Frenette, FNP, CNM

Open, honest conversations: “With 18 years of experience, I’ve practiced as a Family Nurse Practitioner and Certified Nurse Midwife, focusing on women’s health, obstetrics, and family medicine. During graduate school, I was fascinated by women’s health topics simply because I was learning about myself. Raised in a family uncomfortable with reproductive and sexual health discussions, the more I learned, the more I wanted to share. My practice is focused strongly on ensuring that patients have all the information to make educated decisions about their health.”

On a mission: “I was fortunate enough to receive a comprehensive and inspiring education about menopause that many medical professionals did not. Without the proper training, many providers are dismissive of women’s suffering. Being part of a mission to enhance menopausal care access is incredibly empowering, ensuring women receive the support they deserve.”

It starts with listening: “I love hearing my patients’ stories. While they vary wildly, they have similar underlying themes, because hormone fluctuations are affecting all of us. It’s such a privilege to help a woman cope with all that life is throwing at her and maintain continuity of care amidst so much change. It is truly the best part of the job to hear women say they feel like themselves again.”