Team Bio

Julianne Stapleton, WHNP, APNBC, Midi Clinician

Julianne's approach to menopausal care stems from 28 years of experience in women’s health, as well as her personal journey. "I’ve walked through menopause with a lot of women in my career, but it felt different after I’d experienced it," she explains. 

“Once I reached a certain level of discomfort, I immediately got myself some estrogen and progesterone. Having access to the studies and data, I had no reservations. And only after my symptoms were relieved did I realize how much they were bothering me. In my experience, women are willing to accept more discomfort. Men would likely consider it an emergency if they were faced with anything like the perimenopause and menopause symptoms women simply deal with.” 

Julianne appreciates Midi's  approach to care. “I’m interested in my patients’ menopause symptoms, but I also ask: Have they had their mammogram? Their colonoscopy? And what’s going on with their bone health—do they need a DEXA scan? Mid lets me look at their whole health picture.”

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