Team Bio

Angel Smith, APRN, WHNP-BC, Midi Clinician

A quarter century of dedication: “For 25 years, I’ve cherished my role as a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, guiding women from childbirth through menopause. My journey into medicine began in high school when I discovered my passion for caring for those in need. I began as a postpartum and newborn nursery nurse, later finding a nurse practitioner program that allowed me to provide care to underserved areas, focusing on pregnant women and their babies.”

Motivated by patient success: “One of my former patients was 17 when she had her first baby, 21 for the second, and I provided prenatal care for both pregnancies. We discussed her future aspirations back then. A decade later, I crossed paths with her at my local primary care, and learned she was the regional lab manager. It was heartwarming to see her thriving in her career.”

To women approaching menopause: “I stress the importance of finding a healthcare provider who listens and addresses your needs and symptoms. To my patients: Know that there's hope. You don’t need to endure years of menopausal symptoms. We’re here to listen, manage your symptoms, and support your well-being.”

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